The Nottingham Consent Coalition
Working together to raise awareness of consent and reduce sexual violence.
The Consent Coalition is made up of 20 Nottingham-based statutory and voluntary sector organisations who are specialists in the sexual violence field. We are working together to raise awareness on the importance of consent, challenge myths about rape and sexual violence, and encourage victims-survivors to access support and report.

The Consent Coalition stands together to say that Nottingham does not tolerate any form of sexual violence
News, Briefings & Reports

Your Journey – Derbyshire Guide Launches!
Join us as we celebrate the launch of the 'Your Journey - Derbyshire' Guide, this Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week.
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3 - 9 February is sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week. Join us in sharing information about consent and healthy relationships
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We Support IDEVASW
The coalition joins everyone with our red umbrellas to support the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.
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