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Support Information for Adults

On this page, you can download ‘Your Journey‘ our guide for survivors of sexual violence.  The guide gives information on the  support available, what it is like to make a report and answers some of the questions you may have. 

There is a lot of support available to adults who have experienced sexual violence, whether or not they decide to report to the police.  You can go straight to the support services on our web-page here.

Support information for children and young people can be found here.


There is a wide range of support available for victims and survivors of sexual violence in Nottingham/shire. 

Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services

Notts SVS Services offer a range of specialist sexual violence support. This includes a variety of counselling options, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors, a specialist sexual violence helpline and a variety of other therapeutic support.

Telephone Number: 0115 941 0440

Website: www.nottssvss.org.uk


Topaz Centre – Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

The Topaz Centre is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) that offers free professional and confidential support and practical help to anyone in Nottinghamshire who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse. The TOPAZ Centre has trained specialist workers, who will guide you through an assessment of your needs and the options available for you.

24hr Helpline Number: 0800 085 9993

Website: www.topazcentre.org

The Consent Coalition stands together to say that Nottingham does not tolerate any form of sexual violence