It’s all About Consent at the Student Village
The Consent Coalition were pleased to spend an evening this week at the Student’s Village. Hosted in the Victoria Centre, the village featured pop-up stalls from a range of different businesses and organisations that might feature in the life of a student at Nottingham. And whether it’s dancing in a club, sending an intimate photo, negotiating a one-night-stand or a long-term-relationship, consent often features in student life.
Fantastic feedback on campaign
With bundles of information and freebies galore, complete with our epic prize spinner, we had a fantastic time meeting over 270 Nottingham students. Many had already seen our tram and knew about our campaign. Lots of people signed up to our Instagram or other social media accounts. Our star prize included the Consent Coalition pack of playing cards featuring the A-Z of consent campaign. Other prizes included badges, wristbands, mini-torches and stress-balls. All providing links to searchable resources for future use.
During the evening we had lots of lovely feedback. One student told us how great it was that we are tackling this issue and thanked us for doing what we do. A passer-by saw our stall and said ‘Excellent. This is just excellent!’
Consent features in Left Lion guide
This all comes in the same fortnight that the Left Lion published their ‘Welcome to Nottingham’ guide which features an article on the Consent Coalition. The article, written in collaboration with members of the coalition, talks about our campaign and the support available to students in Nottingham. Other features in the magazine include a map of the city, information, offers, student tips, stories from student alumni, and an article on taking care of yourself.
Keep the conversation going…
We are really pleased to be welcoming students to Nottingham and helping to spark conversations on consent. We’ll be popping up at various stalls over the next few weeks, so if you haven’t seen us yet we might be there! And don’t forget to follow us on social media – because we’ll be talking about consent long after the stall has gone!