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For a recent rape or sexual assault you may wish to access a local Sexual Assault Referral Centre for medical care and/or evidence collecting.


0-17 YEARS’ SARC – 0800 183 0023


We offer a wide range of support options for survivors of sexual violence, whether an incident has occurred recently or in the past.

Call: 0115 941 0440

or contact us online >

We offer a range of services for survivors of rape and sexual assault aged 18 and above

Our services include



Group Support

Email Support

Creating Safety Online Programme & Resources

Independent Sexual Violence Adviser Service – for people who are or might be considering pressing charges

Survivors Support Service for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse who were let down by institutions

Referring into our services

You can self-refer into our services by phoning our helpline or by completing an online referral form (below).  Alternatively, you can ask a professional to do this on your behalf.

Our Helpline on 0115 941 0440 in open during the times below. When you call us, we will be able to listen to and support you and guide you to the best services for you.



Easter Opening Times

Our services will be closed on Good Friday 18 April and Easter Monday 21 April.

Outside of our opening hours, you can leave a message on our answerphone (which also provides details of other services) or you can phone the 24hr Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline on 0808 800 0340.  You can also find details of urgent and 24hr support on our Links page.

You can self-refer into our services using the form below

Have you recently suffered sexual assault?

If you have just been raped or sexually assaulted, you may feel in shock and unsure of what to do. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Ensure safety of yourself and any children
  2. Try to keep warm as you might be in shock
  3. See if a friend or someone you trust can be with you

Are you unsure whether to report or not?

There is no time limit on reporting an incident, many people decide to report many weeks, months or years after an incident so try not to destroy any evidence that could help if you change your mind.

You may feel unsure whether to report the incident to the Police or not and this can a very difficult decision for many people to make. The earlier you tell the Police about an attack, the more likely it is that they will be able to investigate the incident effectively and, potentially, make a prosecution.

Forensic evidence is also best obtained within 7 days of an incident occurring. Nottinghamshire Police have a designated Rape Unit with officers who are specially trained in working with incidents of sexual violence. However, you do not have to tell the Police if you don’t want to.

You can contact local Sexual Assault Referral Centres for more information:


Children and Young People Aged 17 and Under

Have you suffered sexual assault in the past?

If you experienced rape or sexual assault in the past or as a child you may be suffering from depression, anxiety, phobias and flashbacks.

These may be causing physical health problems and mixed emotions that that you can’t deal with. Many survivors feel anger or shame that they can’t get past and can also feel worthless.

Often people that have been sexually abused in the past or as a child have never spoken to anyone about the experience. We want to help you to start the process of healing and regaining control of your life.

Often survivors try to deal with these emotional problems by self-harming, neglecting themselves or drinking, smoking or taking drugs to numb the pain. If you are feeling anxious about a sexual event that happened in the past and you need support, then contact us.

We will not ask you to describe what happened to you or force you to talk about things you don’t want to. We never judge, we will always believe you and what you say will not shock or upset us. We know how hard it is for you to pick up the phone. You might be worried about what will happen and who will find out, but we will explain everything fully and take things at your own pace.

Contact us on 0115 941 0440 or complete our online referral form below.

news-briefing-reports-nsvss News, Briefing & Reports

In this guest blog, Al-Hurraya, talks about impact of sexual violence in diverse communities and how we can all reduce barriers to support
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Think employers don’t need to be worried about domestic abuse…?  Think again! We share insights and a toolkit to help make your workplace safe.
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Join us for a Week of Action from 3-9 February and show your support for survivors this Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week!
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