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Surveys and Consultations

Take part in these surveys and consultations to make your thoughts and experiences heard.

Use Your Voice!

There are lots of ways to use your voice.  Here are some opportunities to have your say and influence change that can help prevent sexual violence and improve the services that are offered to survivors.

To provide feedback on Notts SVSS, the easiest way is to use our online feedback form or phone the helpline on 0115 941 0440.

Notts Police & Crime Plan Consultation

You can let the new Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Gary Godden know your thoughts on policing priorities.

The Commissioner wants Nottinghamshire to feel a sense of ownership over the new Police and Crime Plan.  By completing this survey, you can feed into the priorities for policing, crime prevention and how victims of crime are supported.

The survey closes on 2 September and you can access it on the link below.

Go to the survey (external webpage)

Victims Commissioner Survey on Experiences of Court

The Victims Commissioner wants to hear from anybody who has been a victim of crime that has resulted in the perpetrator being charged by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).  They want to hear your feedback about your experiences of the CPS and the court system.

The survey is anonymous although you can leave your details at the end to arrange a follow up interview.  Any results used in the overall report will be anonymised.

The survey closes on 12 September 2024 and you can access it on the link below.

Go to the survey (external webpage)

Photo of the Victim's Commissioner in an oval, moving her hand as though she is speaking. Next to this is a quote that says 'No one should be expected to wait years before their case gets to court. The Justice System is under immense strain and we cannot ignore its impact on victims. This survey aims to give victims a voice, help us understand how these challenges affect them - and shape solutions. The Victims' Commissioner logo (in pink) is in the bottom right hand corner.

Sign the Rape Crisis Petition asking for Secure Funding

The ‘Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund’ is the only ring-fenced government funding for sexual violence and abuse services, and a core part of the funding for many Rape Crisis centres.

Rape Crisis England and Wales are asking for a commitment to extend the fund beyond March 2025.

Go to the petition (external webpage)