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Email Support

Sometimes it can feel
difficult to pick up
the telephone.


Sometimes it can feel difficult to pick up the telephone. Sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you better understand them.

Personal Support

If you would like to email us or receive email support you can contact us at support@nottssvss.org.uk. Anyone who has been affected by sexual violence, now or in the past, can contact us.

Supporting Others

We also offer support to friends, family or partners of survivors of sexual violence. If you find it hard to send us an email, below are some Frequently asked questions (FAQs) that might help.

Email FAQs

Some frequently asked questions about our email support service.

Is the Email Anonymous?
Your email address will be visible on the email you send us.  If you do not want us to know your real email address, then you could set up a free anonymous email address and use it to correspond with us.  Companies such as HUSH (hushmail.com), Yahoo and Hotmail supply free email addresses.

You can sign your emails in whatever name you wish to be known by but please make sure it is safe for us to reply to you at your email address.

What About Confidentiality?
Generally, we will not know anything identifying about you from emails you send to us. If you choose to give us information that identifies you and we are later made aware by you of a risk to a child or vulnerable adult (including yourself), then we have a duty of care to take appropriate safeguarding action.

How Does the Service Work?
support@nottssvss.org.uk is a dedicated address that we only use for email support. Please note that this service is not staffed 24 hours and we will aim to respond to your email within 5 working days.

If you require a more immediate response, it might be better to telephone our Helpline during its opening times.

Will I get a Response from the Same Person Each Time?
No. Emails are answered by our counsellors so you could receive a response from any one of the team.

Can You See What I’ve Written Before?
If your email to us is not your first one, we will be able to see the whole ‘thread’ of the conversation even if it is a different support worker responding to you.

news-briefing-reports-nsvss News, Briefings & Reports

In this guest blog, Al-Hurraya, talks about impact of sexual violence in diverse communities and how we can all reduce barriers to support
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Think employers don’t need to be worried about domestic abuse…?  Think again! We share insights and a toolkit to help make your workplace safe.
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Join us for a Week of Action from 3-9 February and show your support for survivors this Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week!
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