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Notts SVSS Asa Services Renews Male Quality Standards Accreditation

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Notts SVSS are pleased to announce the Asa Hub and Therapy Service has renewed its accreditation with the Male Survivors Partnership Quality Standards.


Known in full as the Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence, the award is independently accredited by Lime Culture.  The Quality Mark is awarded to organisations in recognition of their commitment to ensuring a quality service is delivered to male victims-survivors.


The Process

The accreditation process looked at our policies and procedures, awareness of the needs of male clients, equality of access to the different services we provide and our website and promotional items.  Accreditors have met with our senior management team and have previously had a virtual walk around our premises.

Although Notts SVSS has been providing services to males for a number of years now, the accreditation gives us the opportunity to review that support and ensures that it is up-to-date with current guidance.  We were able to demonstrate our knowledge of the specific needs of male victims-survivors and how we respond to those needs.  Since first receiving the accreditation in November 2022, we have seen an increase in males accessing our services.  Quotes from our male clients include:

‘I genuinely don’t think that I’d be here if it wasn’t for you and your service.  I don’t feel guilty anymore, I KNOW it wasn’t by fault’ (male counselling client)

‘My counsellor was very helpful and listened to me, I felt comfortable talking and opening to her.’ (male counselling client)

‘Thank you for not judging me’ (male helpline client)


Raising Awareness

The renewing of our membership comes just before Men’s Health Week, which is a good time to focus on male health generally.  This year the theme is ‘Lets talk about prostates and all other things men’s health.’  This year we have created a week of actions for males and their supporters to get involved with.  We have also teamed up with the Friends and Bredrins to create an event focussing on men’s health generally and prostate health.  Other organisations who will be there include Refugee Roots and Al-Hurraya.  You can find out more about the event on our EventBrite page.  Details of our Week of Action can be found on this link.

Other Recognition

The Quality Mark for male services is held by only a few organisations and we are extremely proud to be on that list.  The accreditation along with our accredited ISVA Service and long-standing accreditation with Rape Crisis England and Wales, gives survivors confidence in coming to us for support, whatever their gender.

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