F for Flirting
Flirting on a night out can be fun. It might happen between people who already know each other or somebody you just met at a bar.
When we are flirting with someone, it goes both ways and both people should enjoy it. It involves watching a person’s body language and listening to what they say and how they say it. If they are turned in to face us, laughing freely or are asking us if they can touch us, these are all signs that things are probably going well.
But if the laughter or flirting stops, or they lose interest, step back or brush our hand away, or they are trying to catch the attention of their friend, we need to back off. No harm done.
Nobody wants their flirting to seem like harassment to someone else. Being turned down is healthy and normal and happens to everyone. Asking whether we can touch someone, kiss them, or whether they are comfortable and if things are okay are all good ways of checking in. Listening honestly and offering a way out is very important.
If you are flirting with someone and are at all unsure, you need to stop. If they are too drunk, you need to stop. Maybe you can swap numbers and catch up some other time.
While flirting can seem like sex is a given, the only way you know if someone wants to take things further is to ask.
Flirting is not a guaranteed f*ck.
You can read more on consent-friendly-flirting in this article.