Q for Queer
Consent applies to all genders, sexualities and all relationships – no exceptions. Whether you have had sex with the person in the past, consented to the same thing previously or you have been flirting at the bar, you still have the right to choose what happens to you.
We know that people who are LGBTQ+ can be worried about how different organisations might respond to sexual violence they have experienced. Fear of being blamed, judged or outed can prevent people reporting to the police or accessing support.
People who are LGBTQ+ are just as likely to experience sexual violence as those who are straight or cis-gendered. Sometimes, as with all relationships, this might have included drink, drugs or kink. No matter what happened or when, we are clear that every person has the right to choose what happens to their body.
All support services in Nottingham are open to LGBTQ+ survivors and are aware of the additional needs and fears you might have. If you choose to contact Nottinghamshire Police, your sexual history or preferences will have no impact on the way your case is handled.
Whether you have experienced sexual violence or are unsure about something that has happened, you can find out more support and reporting options in our Your Journey guide.