V for Venue
Most of us go out at night for a good time. We might be with our friends or on a date and we should be able to do this safely and without fear.
The sad truth is that predators often start their search for potential victims inside a venue. They will deliberately target people who seem vulnerable.
If you see someone who is persistently trying to get someone drunk or is trying to get them away on their own, these could be warning signs. If someone has bought a friend a drink and they suddenly seem very drunk, they may have been spiked.
If you see a person struggling with another person or you feel at all uncomfortable, it is really important to go with your gut instinct.
Let your friends know and let the venue know.
Safe Space Pledge
In Nottingham, many venues are signing up to the Safe Space Pledge. Those venues who have signed up to the pledge will have it displayed in their window. This will mean that they have staff who are trained to recognise and intervene if a woman or girl seems unsafe. They can also offer a safe space where a vulnerable person can be supported. The pledge is managed by Nottingham BID and it won a Best Bar None Award for ‘Most Innovative Scheme.’
You can find out more about the scheme and what it means here. If the venue you are visiting hasn’t taken the pledge, ask them why not. Let them know why it is important to you and get them to search for the Nottingham BID Safe Space Pledge online.