Z for Zzz
Whether you have met ‘the one’ or just ‘the one for the night’ things do not always go to plan.
If they fall asleep they cannot consent to sex. If someone is out of it on drink or drugs they cannot consent to sex. If someone is unconscious they cannot consent to sex.
No matter how badly you or they wanted it, if someone is asleep, unconscious or just too drunk, they cannot consent to sex.
Sex without consent is not sex. It’s rape.

A for Afterparty B for Booty Call C for Chemsex D for Dick Pics E for Expectations F for Flirting G for Groping H for Harassment I for Intervene J for Joking K for Kink L for Lying M for Mates N for Night Time O for Outfit P for Preloading Q for Queer R for Rough Sex S for Spiking T for Taxi U for Upskirting V for Venue W for Walk of Shame X for XL Y for Yolo Z for Zzzzzzzz