Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week
Week of Action
This year’s Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week (SASVAW) runs from 3 – 9 February. It is the chance for us to raise awareness of sexual abuse and sexual violence. Our Week of Action, gives you a range of easy actions which added up will make a real impact!
We have suggested one action per day, but if you miss one out or want to do them in a different order, that’s okay!
We want the Week of Action to make maximum impact, so don’t forget to tag us in on your socials for extra shares! We are @nottssvss on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday’s Actions – Partnership Event with The Health Shop
We’re inviting professionals to join us for an event with The Health Shop. Lou from The Health Shop will be talking about the sexual health and contraception services provided to people from diverse communities, those who are vulnerable and people who feel less able to access mainstream sexual healthcare. This includes LGBTQ+, asylum seekers/refugees and people who are homeless and those facing severe or multiple disadvantage.

She will also provide information on heroin, tramadol and codeine overdoses and training on how to use the life-saving drug Naloxone. This emergency medicine can be provided by anyone, is safe to use and buys time until the ambulance arrives. This training is useful for all front-line staff, as more people are buying medication online (eg anti-depressents, painkillers and sleeping tablets) which can sometimes be mixed with these drugs.
Follow us on LinkedIn!
Today we are officially launching our new space on LinkedIn. Here we will be sharing news for professionals, links to job vacancies and other useful information. Follow our page and become part of our professional community.

Tuesday’s Action – find out how to support a survivor
When somebody close to us discloses that they have experienced sexual abuse or sexual violence, it can be difficult to know what to say. Whether it happened recently or some time in the past, how we respond can make all the difference. Follow us on our socials to share our posts and read our blog being published at the start of the SASVAW week.

Celebrate the Derbyshire launch of the Your Journey Guide
Today the Your Journey guide will be launched in Derbyshire. The guide is for adult survivors on the choices they can make around support and reporting. This edition follows the Nottinghamshire original with updated support sections to reflect Derbyshire services.
We know this guide has had a huge impact on survivors in Nottinghamshire. Join with the Consent Coalition to celebrate and promote this new version on socials @ConsentInNotts
Download and share both guides from the Consent Coalition website

Wednesday’s Action – talk to your employer
In a recent survey, it was established that only 24% of employers have a policy in place on domestic abuse. We know that around 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 to 7 males experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, of which sexual violence is often a factor. It is clear to us that more needs to be done.
Today, during sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week, why not take a moment to check what policies your employer has in place.

If they don’t have something in place, why not send your HR team an email, highlighting that you have noticed this and ask whether it could be explored. You could send them information from CIPD which has lots of useful suggestions on what businesses can do:
For employers that have a policy in place, why not see if they can also link to Your Journey – a survivor’s guide to support and reporting which has lots of useful local information about support and reporting options.
We’ll also be sharing useful information on our socials. Examples of what employers should consider when thinking about this issue, including a sample policy can be found in our blog.
Thursday’s Action – find out more about FGM.
Nottingham was the first UK city to declare itself a city of Zero Tolerance to FGM. But what is FGM, who does it affect and what can we do about it? Find out more about this in our blog being launched at the start of SASVAW week.

Friday’s Action – wear purple
On Friday 9 February we are asking all people to wear purple to show that you stand with victims-survivors and to help raise awareness about the week.
Why purple?
There is no set colour for SASVAW, but we do know that purple is a colour synonymous with support services in our sector. It is also non-gendered, which reflects the fact that anyone can be affected by sexual violence.
In colour psychology, purple speaks of harmony of the mind and emotions, mental stability and balance. While sexual violence brings about much upset and upheaval, the fact that counselling and support helps to bring calm, balance and renewal, makes purple the ideal colour for this day.

Spread the word!
Go all out wearing purple today by sharing your solidarity on your socials. Got nothing purple to wear? Why not change your social media avatar purple, or have a purple fuddle at work… or you could take a selfie in front of Nottingham Council House, which is going to be illuminated purple too. Take a photo of yourself and share a positive message about how you’re standing with survivors today. Double your impact by tagging your friends and asking them to join you. Tag us in @nottssvss or use the hashtag #Purple4Survivors
Want to add some extra impact..?
Show a picture of yourself in purple challenging a rape myth. There are some examples you can use below…

Saturday’s Action – Ask your favourite venue about the Safe Space Pledge
Heading out this Saturday ? Why not ask your favourite venue to sign up to the Safe Space Pledge.
The pledge contains 8 actions that venues will take to help keep women and girls safe. Over 60 pubs, clubs and shops have taken the pledge so far. More info on the pledge, including a downloadable guide can be found here.
And if you’re staying in, why not message them on social media.
Nottingham Council House will be lit up purple tonight – don’t forget to tag us in any photos! #Purple4Survivors

Sunday’s Action – continue the conversation
This Sunday we are asking you to keep the conversation going by taking part in our survey. In it we ask what information and resources you would like us to share over the next few months and if there are any campaigns or issues you feel are particularly important.
The survey is anonymous and we do not ask for your personal information. Any identifiable information you give us will be anonymised and identifying details deleted. Responses to the survey may be used to help us plan our work, communications and campaigns going forwards over the next year.