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Supporting choice

We offer a wide range of services, with options on how, where and when you can access them and the choice of female or male support worker.

We will listen to you and help you to choose the support that best meets your needs.

Sometimes we find that other organisations and services might also be able to offer you support and we will help you to explore your choices, access support and work together to meet your needs. We take great care to only refer to trusted services that offer safe and quality assured services.

How we communicate

We provide information in a clear, open and transparent manner.

There are a wide range of ways for you to communicate with us, such as face-to-face, telephone, online and email, and we also offer services such as hearing loops, and translators where required.

We have social media platforms on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. You are welcome to follow us on @NottsSVSS. We do not provide support over these channels though and ask that requests for this are sent to our helpline or via our online form.

We work to ensure that anyone who contacts our service will receive a response within 72 hours.

Your experience counts

We want our service to meet the needs of survivors both now and in the future. It is really important to us that we listen to survivors and their families and carers, and help them to shape and influence the work we do. This can include talking about what we do well, what we could do better, what else needs to be done and how we can bring about positive change.

There are different ways for you to tell us about your experience of our services, during sessions, at reviews and through our online feedback form. The most important thing is that it is done in a way that is both safe and meaningful to you. Your feedback could make a difference to future victims and survivors. You can find out about some of the changes we have made on our You Said – We Did page.

You can find out how to make a complaint about our service here.


If you feel that we have fallen short and could do better, we have a complaints process that allows you to tell us, so that we can investigate and take action to improve. Our complaints process is available to read here.