Notts SVSS Commissioned to Run Survivor Hub
Notts SVS Services commissioned to provide the new Adult Sexual Violence Survivors Hub and Therapy Support Service in Nottinghamshire.
Notts SVS Services commissioned to provide the new Adult Sexual Violence Survivors Hub and Therapy Support Service in Nottinghamshire.
The Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) is currently consulting on changes to their pre-trial therapy guidance. Read our response here.
The IPSO review of the Editor's Code is a significant opportunity for us to challenge rape myths and misinformation in the press.
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week sees the launch of the Consent Coalition website and consent resources for the people of Nottingham/shire
Our Support-After-TV campaign is taking a huge step forward and we are currently drafting guidelines to submit to Ofcom in response to their consultation
Notts SVSS have again met the Rape Crisis England and Wales National Service Standards and maintain membership of this valuable organisation.
IPSO's Review Consultation of their Editorial Code signifies a huge opportunity for us to get rid of rape myths and misinformation in the media.
We have contacted General Election candidates in Nottingham/shire asking them to pledge to support survivors of sexual violence.
Help commissioners understand how services can be targeted to best meet the needs of future survivors.
View or download our translated guide to services from our website.
Registered Charity #1103071
Company Limited by Guarantee #4823994