Survivors Support Service
Our Survivors Support Service offers support to anyone aged 13 years and over who is a survivor of recent or non–recent institutional child sexual abuse.
Our Survivors Support Service offers support to anyone aged 13 years and over who is a survivor of recent or non–recent institutional child sexual abuse.
Nottingham providers of specialist domestic and sexual violence services look back on some recent successes.
Nottinghamshire Police have launched a Consent Questionnaire top help increase understanding of consent and prevent sexual violence and rape.
The Government has announced plans to make it easier for survivors of domestic violence to register anonymously on the Electoral Register.
Are you interested in supporting people who have experienced rape or sexual abuse? We are currently recruiting Helpline Volunteers and Volunteer Counsellors.
The IICSA Truth Project has come to Nottingham to listen to victims/survivors of child sexual abuse who may have been failed in the past.
On 6th June, following a rebranding process, Nottinghamshire Rape Crisis Centre became Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services (Notts SVS Services)
Following a successful bid to provide specialist support to survivors, we have been able to expand our range of services and what the organisation offers.
Registered Charity #1103071
Company Limited by Guarantee #4823994