Awareness campaigns from Notts SVS Services and supporting organisations from across the UK
Our Main Campaigns
If you would like to receive updates about our campaigns or receive information on how you can help with our campaigns, please email You can find out about public surveys and consultations on our Use Your Voice page.
No More Rape Myths
Rape myths and misinformation are prevalent in our society and are often spread by the media. This makes it more difficult for survivors to be believed and access support.
Join our No More Rape Myths campaign to directly challenge rape myths in the media and create positive change.

Support After TV
Our research ‘Out of the Shadows’ shows that support information provided after TV programmes can help survivors recognise abuse and get the support they need.
The provision of support information is patchy and does not occur online.
Campaigns with the Consent Coalition
We work very hard building campaigns with the Consent Coalition and host their website. The coalition’s work has received UK-wide acclaim. Have a look at their excellent resources.
A-Z of Consent
Have a look at the A-Z of Consent Campaign, created as part of the Consent Coalition. The resource includes lots of information about consent and what it looks like.
There are loads of posters to download for free and they can even be sent out as social media packs for you to use.
#GetConsent Campaign
The #GetConsent Campaign created with the Consent Coalition looks at some common consent issues and asks Do You Get Consent? The resource contains click through pictures to more information and posters that are free to download.
Campaign Blogs
Read our campaigning blog posts. If you would like to receive updates about our campaigns or receive information on how you can help with our campaigns, please get in touch